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Check out our to see the quality of our Photoshop tutorials for yourself. This demonstration of the clone stamp tool tutorial is taken from chapter 7 of our Photoshop 7 tutorial representing the most comprehensive aid to learning Photoshop 7 on the web today.
There are 16 chapters in all....
Chapter 1: Getting the Lay of the Land
- Interface Introduction
- Selecting a Tool
- Using the Tool Options Bar
- Using the zoom Tool
- Scrolling an Image
- Using the Navigator Palette
- Using the Info Bar
- Using Palettes, Menus, Expanding Context Sensitive Menus
Chapter 2: Using the new File Browser
- Using the File Browser
- Previewing Images
- Ranking Images
- Rotating Images
Chapter 3: Making a Mediocre Picture Look Great
- The Six Step Process to Retouching
- Image Resolution
- Straightening and cropping an image
- Tonal Range and Replacing Colors
- Removing a Color Cast
- Dodge Tool, Sponge Tool, and the Unsharp Mask Filter
Chapter 4: Selecting, the Key to Easy Photo Manipulation
- Selecting in General
- Repositioning a Selection Border While Creating it
- Selecting From a Center Point
- Moving and Duplicating Selections
- Moving Using the Arrow Keys
- Selecting With the Magic Wand
- Selecting with the Lasso Tool
- Selecting with the Magnetic Lasso
- Combining Selection Tools
- Erasing within a Selection
- Restore Photoshop Default Settings
Chapter 5: Using Layers
- Renaming a Layer
- Copying a Layer to Another File
- Viewing Individual Layers
- Selecting and Removing Pixels from a Layer
- Rearranging Layers
- Changing Layer Mode
- Linking Layers and Layer Opacity
- Adding a Gradient Layer
- Adding Text
- Applying a Layer Style
- Editing Text
- Flattening and Saving Files
- Adding Type Layers to a Flattened Background
- Creating Alternate Text
- Using the Multilingual Spell Checker
Chapter 6: Using Masks and Channels
- Creating a quick Mask
- Editing a Quick Mask
- Adding to a Selection by Erasing Masked Areas
- Subtracting from a Selection by Adding Masked Areas
- Saving a Selection as a Mask
- Editing a Mask
- Loading a Mask as a Selection and Applying an Adjustment
- Creating and Saving a Mask
- Editing a Make Channel
- Extracting an Image
- Adding the Extracted Image as a Layer
- Extracting By Force
- Applying a Filter to a Masked Selection
- Creating a Gradient Mask
- Applying Effects Using a Gradient Mask
Chapter 7: Retouching and Repairing Photos
- Using the Clone Stamp Tool
- Using the Pattern Stamp Tool
- Creating a Pattern
- Applying a Pattern
- Using the Healing Brush
- Taking a Snapshots
- History Palette States
- Using the Patch Tool
- Using the History Brush Tool
- Retouching Using a Separate Layer
- Using a Duplicate Layer with the Healing Brush
Chapter 8: Painting and Editing
- Defining a Custom Workspace
- Blending an Image with the Background
- Painting Shadows and Highlights
- Smoothing the Edges of a Stroke
- History Painting Tools
- Using a Specialty Brush
- Creating New Color Swatches
- Adding Brush Libraries
- Using Wet Media Brushes
- Saving a Customized Preset Brush
- Creating a Custom Brush
- Painting With a Custom Brush
- Defining a New Pattern
Chapter 9: Using the Pen Tool
- What are Paths
- Drawing Straight Paths
- Moving and Adjusting Paths
- Drawing multiple segment paths
- Creating Closed Paths
- Painting Paths
- Drawing Curved Paths
- Creating Separate Work Paths
- Drawing a Closed Curve Path
- Modifying Curved Paths
- Stroking and Filling Paths
- Combining Curved and Straight Path Segments
- Two Curved Segments at a sharp angle
- Editing Anchor Points
- Adding and Subtracting Anchor Points
- Converting Points
- Using Paths with Artwork
- Drawing the Outline of a Shape
- Converting Selections to Paths
- Converting Paths to Selections
- Adding Layers
Chapter 10: Vector Masks, Paths, and Shapes
- Bitmap Images and Vector Graphics
- Shape Layers
- Subtracting Shapes From a Shape Layer
- Deselecting Paths
- Drawing Paths
- Combining Paths into a Filled Shape
- Working with Type
- Adding Text to an Image in Edit Mode
- Warping Text
- Adding a Text Layer
- Creating Work Paths from Text
- Altering Work Paths
- Adding a Gradient Layer
- Using a Work Path as a Vector Mask
- Creating a Flag Image and More Text
- Merging and Distorting Layer Combinations
- Working with Defined Custom Shapes
- Placing a Custom Shape
- Adding Layer Styles to a Custom Shape
Chapter 11: Advanced Layer Techniques
- Creating Paths to Clip a Layer
- Drawing the Vector Work Path
- Creating a Layer Mask from the work Path
- Creating Layer Sets
- Creating an Adjustment Layer
- Creating a Knockout Gradient Layer
- Importing a Layer from Another File
- Applying Layer Styles
- Duplicating and Clipping a Layer
- Liquifying a Layer
- Rasterizing the Mask
- Using the Liquify Command
- Creating a Border Layer
Chapter 12: Creating Special Effects
- Preparing to Record an Action
- Recording a New Action
- Playing an Action on an Individual File
- Playing an Action on Multiple Files
- Opening and Cropping Files
- Adding Guides
- Snapping Images into Position
- Saving Selections
- Hand Coloring Selections on a Layer
- Desaturating a Selection
- Creating a Layer and Choosing a Blending Mode
- Applying Painting Effects
- Adding a Gradient
- Merging Layers
- Changing Color Balance
- Applying Filters
- Using the Accented Edges Filter
- Using the ZigZag Filter
- Combining Selections
- Editing a Selection in Quick Mask Mode
- Creating a Cutout Effect
Chapter 13: Saving Money on Commercial Printing
- Preparing Images for Two Color Printing
- Using Channels to Change Color to Grayscale
- Two Color Printing
- Assigning Values to Black and White Points
- Assigning Values to Black and White Points
- Sharpening the Image
- Setting up for Spot Color
- Adding Spot Color
- Removing a Grayscale Area and Adding Spot Color
- Removing Spot Color From a Grayscale Area
- Adding Solid and Screened Areas of Spot Color
- Adding Spot Color to Text
Chapter 14: Web Images
- Optimizing Web Images
- Optimizing a JPEG Image
- Using the Save For Dialog Box
- Comparing Optimized GIF, JPEG, and PNG Formats
- Optimizing a Gif Image
- Choosing GIF Optimization Settings
- Exploring the Color Table
- Reducing the Color Palette
- Locking Colors to Preserve Image Details
- Controlling Dither
- Controlling Application Dither
- Minimizing Browser Dither
- Converting the Background into an Ordinary Layer
- Using the Magic Wand Tool to Create Transparency
- Preserving and Previewing Transparency
- Trimming extra Background Areas
- Creating a Dithered Transparency
- Adding a Drop Shadow
- Adding Transparency Dithering to the Drop Shadow
- Image Maps
- Using Layers to Create Image Maps
- Adjusting Cross Platform Gamma Range(Mac vs Windows)
- Creating an HTML File and Editing Image Map Information
- Batch Processing File Optimization
Chapter 15: Interactive Slices and Rollovers
- What is a Slice
- Creating Slices
- Using Slices
- Setting Options for Slices
- Optimizing Slices
- Slicing an Image in ImageReady
- Creating a Custom Workspace in ImageReady
- Using Slices Created from Guides
- Creating Layer Based Slices
- Creating Slices Without Images
- Creating Slices From Selections
- Optimizing Slices in ImageReady
- Creating Rollovers
- Displaying warped text in the Over State
- Previewing Rollovers
- Showing and Hiding Layers in an Over State
- Showing and Hiding Layers in a Down Rollover State
- Creating a Primary Rollover State
- Creating a Selected Rollover state
- Adding Alternate Text
Chapter 16: Creating Animated Images for the Web
- Creating Animations in Image Ready
- Animating by Hiding and Showing Layers
- Creating a Simple Animation
- Navigating Animation Frames and Previewing the Animation
- Preparing Layer Copies
- Moving and Transforming Layers for an Animation
- Creating Simultaneous animation
- Setting and Previewing a Timing Sequence
- Animating With Layer Opacity
- Setting Layer Positions
- Tweening the Position and Opacity of Layers
- Using Layer Masks to Create Animations
- Using Vector Masks to Create Animations